Saturday, September 18, 2010

School Days And Pledge – India Is My Country And All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters

Tamanna Singh, one of my classmate from Manjappara Upper Primary School, called me up today to inform the availability of some 20 cents of land in the beautiful hill named ‘Kadalukanipara’ in my village. I am fond of that beautiful place and looking to buy some land there as my vacation and spiritual home, the home away from city and professional life. While I am there, I can change my hat from software professional to village farmer! With help from Tamanna Singh, I am writing an article about Kadalukanipara and hoping to publish it in soon.

After I hang up the call with him, I started thinking about my old school days. During the 7th standard, I was the school leader of this village school. As the school leader one of my daily duty was to read out the national integrity pledge in the school assembly. I tried to recollect the pledge, but couldn’t do it completely.

Here is the English version of the pledge, our medium of instruction was Malayalam.

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.

I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.

I shall always strive to be worthy of it.

I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and elders and treat everyone with courtesy.

To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.

In their well being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.

Jai Hind!

BTW, India schools are opening on Monday, 5 June 2006, after the 2 months summer holidays. Wish all students and teachers a great academic year!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Once, a woman and a man who

Once, a woman and a man who loved each other very much, but the woman’ parents were very snobbish. They did not let the woman saw the man because the man was too poor. After a few days, under the influence of her parents, the woman saw eye to eye with her parents.
When her birthday, the man let a girl bring her a note and a “paper ring”, but the woman just throw it in the drawer. Soon, the woman married to a rich man. One day, she came across the man. The man invited her to his house. His wife wears links of london bracelets and looks very happy. She feel admired because her husband treat her very bad.
Later, the woman in a magazine see an article, entitled “Paper Rings,” the author is the man. After reading the links of london rings article woman understands.
She quickly opened the drawer; die in the corner of paper covered with dust. She carefully peeled the paper’ and found
links of london charms.
Article said that in order to buy links of london jewelry a man secretly to sell blood, because of the woman’s birthday.
Woman crying, tears drop on the ring. Woman then she wrapped up the links ring with paper carefully.
Since then, the woman links of londonwearing only paper ring, all my colleagues appreciate her exquisite good looks rings, and asked who sent, woman can not help but sadly, that know the value until it is lost.

Saw you smiling eyes and warm all of my world

God for the young man by the truth; the edge of a life of the people being imitated x does not seem to normal. packed and returned. before trying to have turned to me, but could you do about it. links of India was now the links of India most important is the body. the next day for each other out. x is a healthy boy get creaky and more steps will be relieved when husbands and panting, sweet or lose.A long time, links of India sale every night became hopelessly torture! y is pain and her side and work payment of x and x as to his family gossip and felt what she did everything was doing was acting, from x. y is heartbroken, she can’t understand the links of India jewelry world as a human how can such a dim! settle down to the left of the deepest woods for the right, this links of India jewellery’s life is not the distinction?Have a copy of his parents work hard, and let in for her brother through college, renewable a beautiful baby. now she’s been ill for x all disguised lob completely wrong-footed links of India friendship bracelet her. she go, links India, with a weary heart on the… the day for everyone, is not, then one day, y, determined to stop it sinking down. there are many things she hasn’t done it, a lot of responsibility is completed. setbacks is inevitable that,Don’t, the brave to face. Links of India sweetie bracelet was arranged everything, and sat on the bus home, started her new schedule, the new every day. The links of India rings soft touch; soft flowing through your fingertip, i mean, face upward, omissions and room and saw you smiling face and suddenly rose up from the heart of the constitution. once again, the kind of time just think of you, and kind of love. India links was sitting on your white time.Morning, dawn was just , the breeze was carrying a breath, i carry the bag, the small bag filled with dreams, i have a huge pile of books, and on the day in my shoulder, the faint trace of red and deeper, spread in my back, shoulders and have hidden links of India UK in a sore and i’m not complaining, links of India sweetie was the only day to be kind of pain. occasionallyThink so, it is comforting. I looked up, or drop of water through the roof of a bright hazy, the rising sun speckled with my eyes of vapor in a wink, and i, with his hand over his eyes and a moist. links of India bangles was watered. oh, really, mess. i want to do with a bag carried out on one side for her, too, i heard frantic into a corner, and suddenly collapsed and the great noise,In my world over hill links rings and down the sea. the passing people, strange, cold, tired and bored, i came down on the road do not cure the cry, i’m always in a lonely time to learn, links of India necklace learned to the ostrich policy. because i am confused, because you’re just passing, so we will naturally you know. she patted my back, like a comforting, and like to use body language to motioned me up.The touch, i looked up and saw you smiling eyes and warm all of my world. first, the first warm smile. suddenly i had to do you like, maybe i was a lass, so it’s insane, but you willing to live in my world, it was following thing.